Friday, May 28, 2010

Owh~ Rupe2nya Aku Ade Blog =p

Assalamualaikum.. Salam Sejahtera..

Pergh...lame btul aku menconteng dinding blog aku nih...
*hahaha dasar hangat2 taik kambing

Yup..bia aku update skit ttg diriku skrg nih..

Setelah sekian lamanya aku belaja d mktb
*5thun stengah beb!

now aku dh jd 'hamba kerajaan'
*government servant da..haha

yang sgt excited untuk menanda 'x' di setiap no 25 dlm kalendr

Utk pengetahuan pembaca2 blog aku nih
*cm ramai jerk..poyo..haha

now aku dh jadi warga negeri johor..
*nak balik kedah~waaa =(

Walau ape pon...hidup mesti diteruskn..misi mesti dijalankan-mendidik anak bangsa dan membangunkn negara Malaysia..
*pergh patriotik siot hahahah =D

hope perjalanan hidupku disini berjalan dgn lancar..

*cikgu terlampau..hahaha

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Eumora?? Ajaib??
Sape penah dengar name EUMORA??
pelakon kah?
majistrate kah?
lawyer kah??


semue salah!!

EUMORA sebenarnye name seketul sabun..*wth??

ye ye....sabun herba cuci muka...

sabun ajaib.. ye...ajaib..
dr y aku bc testimoni2nye....
sgt2 ajaib...
*google it..kalau malas klik sini
er...agak mahal la harga dia...hehe
tp org kate berbaloi-baloi..

tp disebabkan kasih sayang seorang ibu kepada anaknye..
maka belilah si ibu seketul EUMORA kepada anaknye..

ye la...da risau nengok muke anaknye bnyk jerawat...
sgt2 low self-esteem oo...

*hadoi...time kaceh mama..hehe

skrg nih tgh lam process memakai...

nnti klau muke aku dh suci bersih, aku bagi komen...hehehe
buat ms sekarg nih belum ketara lg la...hehehe...

sape y penah pakai ha?? bleh bg komen??

n one more thing...
sape nk bli sabun nih, tp xtau source, bleh kontek aku...


Sunday, September 6, 2009

Cikgu, Cikgu nk tau dak??

Student A: Teacher...i got something to tell u..hehe
Student B: Wei! don't tell²!! If you tell ar..Don't want to be friend with u..
Me: Hm? What?
Student A: Hihi...She said ar...She said u are a lot of JERAWAT!! hihi...
Student B: WEI!!!
Me: Really? Ya la...All this pimples come out because of this class la... 1 student got wrong answer in my question, 1 pimple come out!
Student A & B: Huh? True ar teacher??
Me: Yup..
Student C: Teacher! I got all wrong, 15 questions...but how come your pimples got less than 15??
Me: Aiseyh!! Ok, tomorrow i will give you test!
Whole Class: ALAAA~

1. ya ya...i know..pimples, pimples, n pimples...aduyai~

2. 2 Neptune (Caie's class-aku masuk relief je..)

Friday, September 4, 2009

Aku mau jual: Sigma 70-300mm APO DG MACRO canon mount


I want to let go my lovely superb tele-lens.....
It is a great beginner's telephoto lens..
this lens has macro capabilities (1:2) at 200-300mm..
HARDLY USING IT as i'm not into tele anymore..huhu

Here are the details of the item:

Item: Sigma 70-300mm F4-5.6 APO DG Macro (red ring..L lens look-alike hehe)
Mount: Canon
Package includes: Box+Lens Hood+front & back cap+58mm kenko UV filter and the pouch
Price: RM620 (nego)
Warranty: unfill (bought frm Click'n'Snap Penang)
Dealing method: COD (cash on delivery) can test kaw2 b4 u buy...
Location of seller: Penang
Contact method/details: SMS or CALL or leave a comment on this post..i'll respond ASAP (0125915262)
Age of item: end of 2008 (1 year)
Item(s) conditions: it is as good as new...view to fungus, free from scratch and never fall down...i used this item not more than 15 times...
Reason for selling: UPGRADE!!HAHA

1. this is what you will get...

2. In zooming position.. (can be extend more)

3. @300mm..

4. rear view..

5. front view..

6. Macro button..


p/s: i will consider to give special price to i4p Canonians..huhu boleh test drive dlu sblum bli..bia puas hati...


Saturday, August 15, 2009

1Malaysia SKSP

This is just a teaser..
More to come!!
Stay tuned ya? huhu

blogger-emoticon.blogspot.comya ya stay tuned...stay tuned for 2 or 3 weeks or maybe months for the update...*damn

Friday, August 14, 2009

Pegi Jahanam la Selsema BABI!!

uhuk2 *batuk...

ye ye...
aku sakit...
betul la...
mmg aku xpegi sekolah pon...
aku dpt mc 2 hari...

to all my dear lovely n cutey students...
your handsome n macho teacher here got sick..
that why i'm not coming to school yesterday n today..
ya ya i know...
i miss you all too...

WHAT?! no no! it's not H1N1... *damn
just a normal fever + cough..huhu

uhuk2! *batuk lagi

esok ade sambutan kemerdekaan kn??
insyallah cekgu akn dtg...
tggu ye...

x pecaye cikgu dpt mc??
nah cikgu tunjuk mc cekgu...

xpuas ati??
betul...cikgu xbeli mc tu...doktr bagi laaa...
ni kad rawatn cikgu...

puas ati?huhu...

ye ye...mmg panas pun...
name pon demam... 39 'c tu..huhu

ye la ye la....cikgu nk g rehat la nih...


Monday, August 10, 2009